Switched back to Hangouts for calls
Nicole was refactoring agora. Should be done according to Andreas.
This means we are ready to open registration.
Ivan wants to know if we have a internal test phase before like last year. Ivan
brings it up on Slack.
Reserving participant slots for organizers
We need more sponsors than last year. How many places to we need to reserve?
About one slot per 500 EUR -> Calculate how many we need to reserve.
Target Amount: We would need ~50% more than last year
-> Chris will do that.
-> See sponsorship sheet for room prices
When do we announce opening the registration?
Announce registration:
It can happen that you accidentally overwrite other peoples changes. When you do
your edit, you can check the last edit in the history to review the previous
Alex wanted to know how big it is: It is defined by the tags we already have.
Andreas will measure and send on slack.
Nicole has a TeX template for printing the nametags.
Andreas will bring the nametags from his employer.
Ivan wants twitter handles on the nametag: already solved for last year :
Nicole knows where to order them
We need a sponsor for the bill.
MSG Gillardon will probably cover the t-shirts.
Andreas will present the available colors again so we can discuss
Below the partner conferences we want to have a link to more craftsmanship
events (on softwerkskammer).